7.1 Administrative Information

The Mapping Table used for communicating Release and Resource information from Acquiring Rights Controller or Aggregator/Distributor to DSPs should contain the following administrative information: 

Data Element



The Type of the row. Always to contain ‘Header’.


A string used to uniquely identify the Mapping Table. The MappingTableId shall be, in combination with the MessageSenderId, globally unique. Thus, a MessageSender shall never re-use a MappingTableId.


The DateTime on which the Mapping Table was created (the only allowed format is ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD).


The name of the Catalogue that is transferred.


The Territory/ies for which the Catalogue is transferred.


The name of the Relinquishing Rights Controller.


The DPID of the Relinquishing Rights Controller. This shall be provided if available to the sender.


The name of the Acquiring Rights Controller.


In addition, it may be beneficial to also communicate the Name and DPID of the Aggregator/Distributor companies acting for the Relinquishing and/or Acquiring Rights Controller (if applicable) and Name and DPID of the sender and recipient of the Mapping Table. However, this information may be clear from the context in which a Mapping Table is sent.