5.6 Informing DSPs about a Catalogue Transfer
Catalogue Transfers are driven by the communication between Acquiring Rights Controller or Aggregator/Distributor and any DSPs who have been distributing Releases for the Relinquishing Rights Controller and who are also distributing content for the Acquiring Rights Controller.
This process shall equip the DSP to effect the Catalogue Transfer with, ideally, no down-time for any Releases and with all data linked to such Releases (e.g. playlists and user comments) being continuously available.
The Acquiring Rights Controller or Aggregator/Distributor shall communicate a Mapping Table in accordance with Clause 7 to the DSPs that it wishes to change the Catalogue over.
These Best Practices do not define a specific method of delivering the Mapping Table. Possible approaches include email attachments or placing the updated Mapping Table onto a mutually agreed SFTP server.
This data exchange will need to be augmented by establishing contact between the operational teams at the Acquiring Rights Controller or Aggregator/Distributor, and the DSP to accompany the entire Catalogue Transfer to completion.
One aspect to be agreed between Acquiring Rights Controller or Aggregator/Distributor, and the DSP is whether, how and when the DSP wishes to receive:
New Release Notifications from the Acquiring Rights Controller or Aggregator/Distributor (as defined in Clause 5.7) and
Take-downs from the Relinquishing Rights Controller or Aggregator/Distributor (as defined in Clause 5.9).
Options for these two communications include:
Receipt of take-downs before the transfer date of the Catalogue with appropriate end dates;
Receipt of take-downs after the transfer date of the Catalogue;
Receipt of takedowns only after the DSP has successfully ingested enw Release notifications;
Receipt of new Release notifications with deals that overlap with the existing deals (or not); and